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Czech and Polish partners joining forces

The second partner’s meeting of the strategic cooperation between MSIS (Poland) and Fotbal pro Rozvoj took place in Prague on 9-11.05.2017.

The partnership between the 2 organizations strives to explore new ways to develop the football for good methodology in central Europe. The first aim of the cooperation is to develop our interactive attractiveness towards our target groups by developing new online tools to facilitate the work of youth workers on the field and enable the sharing of good practices between coordinators, social workers, educators and trainers. The second aim is to develop our program of fair-play leagues. On the model of the Prague fair-play league, we aim to expand the concept nationwide in Czech Republic and Poland, eventually establishing an international league between the 2 countries.

This second partners’ meeting in Prague was precisely the occasion to review our progress and look ahead to the future plans. We had 3 days of interesting discussions and exchanges.

The first day was dedicated to the project administration and the progress on the online toolkit.
We controlled the financial status of our project and clarified the administrative duties for the next months. Then we reviewed the progress on the development of the toolkit. Stepan Kyncl explained the different phases of the development, which should take us by end of 2018 to a complete package. The plans are very promising and exciting. The first phase which will feature an online tournament generator is expected to be ready by this summer. We are confident that the participants to our programs will be thrilled. More details to come soon!

The second day focused more on the Polish program and their future plans. We had an interesting insight into the current activities of MSIS and the rapid development of their fair-play program. Additionally we had an inspiring presentation by Arek on the fundraising and cooperation plans MSIS has.
In the afternoon, we had a chance to visit the 2nd fair-play Prague league day and an opportunity to share the practices in Czech Republic. The tournament following the F3 concept featured 6 teams representing different Prague youth centers. The mediation of the matches was conducted by 4 youth workers. Fair-play, tolerance and role-modeling were the big winners of this day! More details here.

The final day started with a small debrief about the fair-play league, when our Polish partners had a chance to reflect on their observation and feed us back. It was also an interesting opportunity to compare the different perception of the F3 rules from the Polish and Czech youth.
The last part of our meeting focused on our strategy for the next months and the development of our Visegrad cooperation together with partners in Slovakia and Hungary. We have set-up exciting plans for our international impact and exposure. More information available soon!

The next partners’ meeting is scheduled for December 2017.


Ansley Hofmann

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Veronika Dobrovská

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